What is Amazon API Gateway in Hindi?

In this article you will learn about the in-demand service of AWS that is the Amazon API Gateway. First, we will understand what is an API, types of API, API Gateway, then about Amazon API gateway, its need, hands-on tutorial, use cases and finally we will see about the pricing.

Amazon API Gateway एक अमेज़न वेब सर्विस है इस पोस्ट में हम इसके बारे में अच्छे से जानेंगे What is Amazon API Gateway in Hindi की Amazon API Gateway किसे कहते है।

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What is Amazon API Gateway in Hindi?

As we all know Amazon Web Services is the world’s leading cloud provider and Amazon also provides its own variant of an API Gateway. AWS API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring REST APIs, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs.

API developers can create APIs that access AWS or other web services, as well as data stored in the AWS Cloud. As an API Gateway API developer, you can create APIs for use in your own client applications.

  • API Gateway is a gateway that consists of a bunch of Lambda functions that create a serverless learning management system.
  • API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.
  • With a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, you can create an API that acts as a “front door” for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your back-end services such as applications running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), code running on AWS Lambda, or any web application.
  • If your browser is making API calls to API Gateway, then API Gateway is routing down those calls to Lambda.

Need for Amazon API Gateway

In enterprises that follow DevOps methodologies, what developers usually do is use already existing microservices to build and deploy apps in a fast-paced, iterative way. These microservices use APIs to communicate with the app. And when this application uses many microservices, many APIs are used for communication between the app and microservices. Managing all these APIs becomes a hassle. This is where the AWS API gateway comes into the picture.

What is an API?

The formal definition for an API goes like this:

An API is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software. API stands for ‘application programming interface’.

But in simple terms, it is an intermediary between two applications that allows them to communicate with each other. Each time you are using a web browser you are calling an API that helps you to interact with the server where the page that you want resides.

Another real-time example is delivery services that have their own app. Inside that app, they use Google Maps API to pull out a current delivery status for a delivery.

Any website where you make payments at the end includes several payment options like ‘Pay through PayPal’. The website here uses PayPal’s API and allows its users to pay through PayPal.

Types of API 

The following are the various types of APIs:


It is an application programming interface for a web server or a web browser. It is related to web development, usually limited to a web application’s client-side.

It may be public or private. Private HTTP APIs require an access token.


It stands for representational state transfer API. Not all HTTP APIs are necessarily REST APIs. These two follow a relation which can be described as: “A REST API is an HTTP API but not all HTTP APIs are REST APIs.”

REST APIs are flexible when compared to HTTP APIs. Here the data is not tied to methods and resources hence these types of data are able to handle multiple types of calls and return different data formats.

WebSocket API

This type of API allows you to create “web sockets” which is capable of bi-directional full-duplex communication over a persistent TCP connection(socket). This API is written in JavaScript.

These are used to build real-time 2-way communication applications, such as chat apps and streaming dashboards.


इस पोस्ट में हमने Amazon API Gateway अमेज़न वेब सर्विस के बारे में अच्छे से जाना। We learned that if an application is handling many APIs we need to use a service that enables us to take care of the issues that arise from handling many APIs. This is where the Amazon API Gateway comes in handy.

Since this service is used by enterprises like FOX NOW and Vogue it establishes the fact that it is a reliable service. It is also a cost-effective solution to many app problems as the cost for 1 million requests is as low as $1. Lastly, when we use Amazon API Gateway along with other AWS services like AWS Lambda and ECS the application gives a smooth user experience.

Ravi Giri
Ravi Girihttp://hinditechacademy.com/
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