What is Amazon DynamoDB in Hindi?

This blog will provide you with information about Amazon DynamoDB: What it is, how it works, and much more. We will loop around the technology and understand its existence, which will help nobody but you. We will make sure that the grip is so tight that there would be no chance for benefit of the doubt even. So endure the whole blog for a better understanding.

Amazon DynamoDB एक अमेज़न वेब सर्विस है इस पोस्ट में हम इसके बारे में अच्छे से जानेंगे What is Amazon DynamoDB in Hindi की Amazon DynamoDB किसे कहते है।

What is Amazon DynamoDB in Hindi?

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully-managed NoSQL database service developed by Amazon between 2004 and 2007 for its own functional requirements.

DynamoDB is a database that requires very little setup and maintenance on the side of the user while providing excellent speed and flexibility. It is a key-value and document database with response speeds in the single digit milliseconds at any size. It is a fully managed, long-lasting database with security, backup, and restoration installed.

DynamoDB is usually referred to as a NoSQL database, which essentially indicates that it does not employ the typical SQL query language found in relational databases. Rather it uses a basic key-value format to store JSON objects.

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. DynamoDB lets you offload the administrative burdens of operating and scaling a distributed database so that you don’t have to worry about hardware provisioning, setup and configuration, replication, software patching, or cluster scaling. DynamoDB also offers encryption at rest, which eliminates the operational burden and complexity involved in protecting sensitive data. For more information, see DynamoDB encryption at rest.

With DynamoDB, you can create database tables that can store and retrieve any amount of data and serve any level of request traffic. You can scale up or scale down your tables’ throughput capacity without downtime or performance degradation. You can use the AWS Management Console to monitor resource utilization and performance metrics.

DynamoDB provides on-demand backup capability. It allows you to create full backups of your tables for long-term retention and archival for regulatory compliance needs. For more information, see Using On-Demand backup and restore for DynamoDB.

You can create on-demand backups and enable point-in-time recovery for your Amazon DynamoDB tables. Point-in-time recovery helps protect your tables from accidental write or delete operations. With point-in-time recovery, you can restore a table to any point in time during the last 35 days. For more information, see Point-in-time recovery: How it works.

DynamoDB allows you to delete expired items from tables automatically to help you reduce storage usage and the cost of storing data that is no longer relevant. For more information, see Expiring items by using DynamoDB Time to Live (TTL).

Why is Amazon DynamoDB Essential?

DynamoDB aligns with the ideals of serverless applications—automated scalability based on your application load, pay-per-use pricing, ease of use, and no need to manage servers. As a result, it is a popular choice for AWS Serverless applications. Many firms also choose DynamoDB to power their serverless apps due to its low maintenance requirements and strong interaction with AWS’s serverless solution and AWS Lambda.

Since DynamoDB is a key-value store, it is particularly advantageous to use when a single product in a single DynamoDB database includes all the data that is required for a specific single operation in your program. For instance, if your application dashboard shows a person and the articles they’ve read, then it will perform better and charge the cheapest per query if the articles are stored in the user entity.

However, putting users in one database and articles in another, when updating the page, necessitates retrieving one user and ten separate book entries. This may make DynamoDB less suitable—additional queries cost more and slow down your overall application experience when contrasted with a traditional data store.

How does Amazon DynamoDB Work?

DynamoDB architecture, like other databases, stores data in tables. Each table has a number of objects, each of which has a number of fields or characteristics. Each table must have a primary key, which must be present in all elements of the table. The primary key can be a single attribute or a combination of two attributes—a partition key and a sort key. You may use the main key to refer to individual objects in a table, or you can create your own indexes and use the keys from them.

Your DynamoDB table is not hosted on a single server, the data is instead spread over several servers ensuring scalability and great speed, but also preventing you from directly querying your data through a database host. You must use the Amazon DynamoDB HTTP API to write and read entries to and from a DynamoDB table, either directly or using the AWS SDK or AWS CLI. You can also batch read and write to DynamoDB tables, even across several tables at the same time. Transactions, automatic backups, and cross-region replication are all supported by DynamoDB.

Advantages of Amazon DynamoDB

In this section, we will talk about the various advantages of DynamoDB.

  • Fully Managed

Everything has been taken care of. It is a completely managed solution, which means that you don’t have to do anything to keep the database functioning.

  • Performance and Scalability

Developers may satisfy consumer demand by combining incremental scalability and high performance with the convenience of cloud management, dependability, and tabular data architecture provided by DynamoDB.

  • Automatic Replication

With DynamoDB Global Tables, you can create a multi-master, multi-region database with little setup and upkeep. When you have consumers in different parts of the world using locally-deployed instances of your application, this can assist in speeding up its performance.

  • Greater Efficiency

Using a fully managed solution decreases the amount of time your team spends on operations, enabling you to invest more time in product development.

  • Secure

DynamoDB is secure because it employs tried-and-true mechanisms to authenticate users and prevent illegal data access.

  • Support for Streaming

You may build streams of changes to your data tables with DynamoDB. This makes adding automation based on your DynamoDB data changes a breeze.

  • Time to Live (TTL)

TTL is a procedure that allows you to provide a timestamp for deleting expired data from your tables. TTL can help you save space and money by reducing the amount of data you save.

  • Fine-grained Access Control

It offers the owner of a DynamoDB table a lot of power over the data in the table.

Disadvantages of Amazon DynamoDB

Moving on, let us now discuss some of the disadvantages of DynamoDB:

  • It is a private database with no open-source version.
  • It demands that your data be accessed in a consistent manner.
  • It prevents you from joining data from various tables.
  • It can only be deployed on AWS and not on individual computers or servers.
  • The querying data is quite constrained.
  • There are no Triggers in this field.
  • There is no idea of foreign keys to refer to other table entries.
  • It has quite a few limits—the partition throughput limitations, the item size limit, and the page size limit for Query and Scan operations.

Amazon DynamoDB Use Cases

DynamoDB has a plethora of applications since it is a service that is required in a wide range of circumstances. Disney, Dropbox, Snapchat, Zoom, and many more established corporations use DynamoDB as part of their infrastructure.

The following are a few use cases for DynamoDB:

  • To create smartphone apps
  • To make a database of media metadata
  • To deliver a consistent shopping experience
  • To develop platforms for large-scale gaming


इस पोस्ट में हमने Amazon DynamoDB अमेज़न वेब सर्विस के बारे में अच्छे से जाना। Amazon DynamoDB is a perfect alternative for today’s real-time, web-based applications since it allows you to outsource the operations and scalability of a highly-available distributed database cluster.

Ravi Giri
Ravi Girihttp://hinditechacademy.com/
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