What is AWS Compute Services in Hindi?

AWS Compute Services एक अमेज़न वेब सर्विस है इस पोस्ट में हम इसके बारे में अच्छे से जानेंगे What is AWS Compute Services in Hindi की AWS Compute Services किसे कहते है।

What is AWS Compute Services in Hindi?

In cloud computing, the term “compute” describes concepts and objects related to software computation. It is a generic term used to reference processing power, memory, networking, storage, and other resources required for the computational success of any program.

For example, applications that run machine learning algorithms or 3D graphics rendering functions require many gigs of RAM and multiple CPUs to run successfully. In this case, the CPUs, RAM, and Graphic Processing Units required will be called compute resources, and the applications would be compute-intensive applications.

Let’s look at some compute FAQs to understand the term in the context of modern computing.

What are compute resources?

Compute resources are measurable quantities of compute power that can be requested, allocated, and consumed for computing activities. Some examples of compute resources include:


The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of any computer. CPU is measured in units called millicores. Application developers can specify how many allocated CPUs are required for running their application and to process data.


Memory is measured in bytes. Applications can make memory requests that are needed to run efficiently.

If applications are running on a single physical device, they have limited access to the compute resources of that device. But if applications run on the cloud, they can simultaneously access more processing resources from many physical devices. Let’s take a closer look at this.

What are compute services?

Compute services are also known as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Compute platforms, such as AWS Compute, supply a virtual server instance and storage and APIs that let users migrate workloads to a virtual machine. Users have allocated compute power and can start, stop, access, and configure their computer resources as desired.

How to choose between different AWS Compute Services

Choosing the best AWS infrastructure depends on your application requirements, lifecycle, code size, demand, and computing needs. Take a look at these three examples:

  1. If you want to deploy a selection of on-demand instances offering a wide array of different performance benefits within your AWS environment, you would use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
  2. If you want to run Docker-enabled applications packaged as containers across a cluster of EC2 instances, you could use Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS).
  3. If you want to run your own code using only milliseconds of compute resource in response to event-driven triggers in serverless environment, you could use AWS Lambda.

What are the benefits of AWS compute services?

AWS Compute services offer the broadest and deepest functionality for compute. Key benefits of using AWS Compute include:

Right compute for your workloads

Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) offers granular control for managing application infrastructure with the choice of processors, storage, and networking. Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS) offer choice and flexibility to run containers.

Built-in security

AWS offers significantly more security, compliance, and governance services, and key features than the next largest cloud provider. The AWS Nitro System has security built in at the chip level to continuously monitor, protect, and verify the instance hardware.

Cost optimization

With AWS compute you pay only for the instance or resource you need, for as long as you use it, without requiring long-term contracts or complex licensing.


AWS provides multiple ways to build, deploy, and get applications to market quickly. For example, Amazon Lightsail is an easy-to-use service that offers you everything you need to build an application or website.

To determine which AWS Compute service is best suited to grow your business, don’t hesitate to Get in Touch with our team of experts or sign-up for a Free AWS Account today.

AWS Compute Services


इस पोस्ट में हमने AWS Compute Services अमेज़न वेब सर्विस के बारे में अच्छे से जाना।

Ravi Giri
Ravi Girihttp://hinditechacademy.com/
नमस्कार दोस्तों, मै रवि गिरी Hindi Tech Academy का संस्थापक हूँ, मुझे पढ़ने और लिखने का काफी शौख है और इसीलिए मैंने इस ब्लॉग को बनाया है ताकि हर रोज एक नयी चीज़ के बारे में अपने ब्लॉग पर लिख कर आपके समक्ष रख सकू।


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