What is AWS ParallelCluster in Hindi?

AWS ParallelCluster एक अमेज़न वेब सर्विस है इस पोस्ट में हम इसके बारे में अच्छे से जानेंगे What is AWS ParallelCluster in Hindi की AWS ParallelCluster किसे कहते है।

What is AWS ParallelCluster in Hindi?

AWS ParallelCluster is an AWS supported open source cluster management tool that helps you to deploy and manage high performance computing (HPC) clusters in the AWS Cloud. Built on the open source CfnCluster project, AWS ParallelCluster enables you to quickly build an HPC compute environment in AWS. It automatically sets up the required compute resources and shared filesystem. You can use AWS ParallelCluster with batch schedulers, such as AWS Batch and Slurm. AWS ParallelCluster facilitates quick start proof of concept deployments and production deployments. You can also build higher level workflows, such as a genomics portal that automates an entire DNA sequencing workflow, on top of AWS ParallelCluster.

AWS ParallelCluster is an open source cluster management tool that makes it easy for you to deploy and manage High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters on AWS. ParallelCluster uses a simple text file to model and provision all the resources needed for your HPC applications in an automated and secure manner. It also supports multiple instance types and job submission queues, and job schedulers like AWS Batch and Slurm.

AWS ParallelCluster is built on the popular open source CfnCluster project and is released via the Python Package Index (PyPI). ParallelCluster’s source code is hosted on the Amazon Web Services repository on GitHub. AWS ParallelCluster is available at no additional charge, and you pay only for the AWS resources needed to run your applications.

How AWS ParallelCluster works

  • First, it’s time to design the cluster based on the demands of your application or project, you can choose pre-established design options.
  • Once the cluster is configured, you launch it by executing the “create” command
  • When the cluster reaches “create complete” status, you connect via an SSH client.
  • Finally, send your work to the organizer.


Automatic Resource Scaling

With AWS ParallelCluster, you can use a simple text file to model, provision, and dynamically scale the resources needed for your applications in an automated and secure manner.

Easy Cluster Management

With AWS ParallelCluster you can provision resources in a safe, repeatable manner, allowing you to build and rebuild your infrastructure without the need for manual actions or custom scripts.

Seamless Migration to the Cloud

AWS ParallelCluster supports a wide variety of operating systems and batch schedulers so you can migrate your existing HPC workloads with little to no modifications.


इस पोस्ट में हमने AWS ParallelCluster अमेज़न वेब सर्विस के बारे में अच्छे से जाना।

Ravi Giri
Ravi Girihttp://hinditechacademy.com/
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