What is AWS Savings Plan in Hindi?

AWS Savings Plan एक अमेज़न वेब सर्विस है इस पोस्ट में हम इसके बारे में अच्छे से जानेंगे What is AWS Savings Plan in Hindi की AWS Savings Plan किसे कहते है।

Learn more about AWS Savings Plans and additional steps you can take to manage cloud costs more effectively.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) introduced Savings Plans to offer customers a more flexible and discounted pricing model than Reserved Instances. AWS Savings Plans also offer discounts for longer-term commitments, like Reserved Instances.

You can learn more about the differences between Reserved Instances (RIs) and Savings Plans here.

In this post, we’ll quickly explain what AWS Savings Plans are, how they work, and what they can and cannot do for you.

What is AWS Savings Plan in Hindi?

Savings Plans is another flexible pricing model that provides savings of up to 72% on your AWS compute usage. This pricing model offers lower prices on Amazon EC2 instances usage, regardless of instance family, size, OS, tenancy or AWS Region, and also applies to AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda usage.

Savings Plans offer significant savings over On-Demand Instances, just like EC2 Reserved Instances, in exchange for a commitment to use a specific amount of compute power (measured in $/hour) for a one or three-year period. You can sign up for Savings Plans for a one- or three-year term and easily manage your plans by taking advantage of recommendations, performance reporting and budget alerts in the AWS Cost Explorer.

AWS Savings Plan Types

AWS provides three types of Savings Plans:

  • Amazon SageMaker Savings Plans
  • EC2 Savings Plan
  • Compute Savings Plan

Here’s a quick rundown:

1. Amazon SageMaker Savings Plans

These instances cover eligible instances in Amazon SageMaker, including SageMaker Studio Note, Data Wrangler, On-Demand Notebook, Batch Transform, Processing, Training, and Real-time Inference. In the best-case scenario, SageMaker Savings Plans can yield more than 64% savings, considering the recent price reduction.

However, the following two Savings Plans are the most popular for cloud cost optimization.

2. EC2 Savings Plan

The EC2 Instance Savings Plan provides the highest discount (the same as Standard Reserved Instances) for ‌use with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances.

The plan is mutable across size, operating system, and tenancy. If you need special licensing, security, and performance requirements, you can pay for a dedicated tenant. Savings Plans also let you change instance size and operating system, which Reserved Instances do not.

But EC2 Savings Plans only apply within a select instance family in a specific region. For example, you can switch from using an m5.xl running Windows to an m5.2xl running Linux. But you won’t be able to switch across instance families, say from a p2 to an m5.

3. Compute Savings Plan

For those who need more flexibility, AWS offers the Compute Savings Plan, which offers nearly the same discount level (66% versus 72%) but imposes fewer constraints.

Selections within the AWS Compute Savings Plan are flexible across instance family, region, operating system, tenancy, and even the specific compute service. For example, you could transfer your discount from an EC2 p2.xlarge instance running Linux in US West Oregon to an instance running AWS Fargate in US East Ohio.

This gives you a variety of options for how to spend your compute time. So, you can take on more projects and apply the initial savings to them as well.

Another advantage here is that you can eliminate waste even when you buy more capacity than you need for a particular project. Better yet, Compute Savings Plans apply to usage in EC2 instances, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Fargate.

Note that Savings Plans does not provide a capacity reservation. You can however reserve capacity with On Demand Capacity Reservations and pay lower prices on them with Savings Plans.

You can continue purchasing RIs to maintain compatibility with your existing cost management processes, and your RIs will work along-side Savings Plans to reduce your overall bill. However, as your RIs expire we encourage you to sign up for Savings Plans as they offer the same savings as RIs, but with additional flexibility.

Use cases

Save money on your steady-state usage

Reduce your compute bill for overall steady-state usage, regardless of instance family, Region, operating system, and tenancy.

Reduce costs by modernizing workloads

Optimize costs when migrating workloads to newer instances or modernizing your application with AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate.

Centralize and simplify cost management

Purchase Savings Plans in one AWS account and AWS will automatically apply it across your AWS organization.


इस पोस्ट में हमने AWS Savings Plan अमेज़न वेब सर्विस के बारे में अच्छे से जाना।

Ravi Giri
Ravi Girihttp://hinditechacademy.com/
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