What is Cloud Migration in Hindi?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers over 100 cloud computing services, many of which are built on its global Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), allowing you to build dynamic, scalable, & automated computing environments.

This article describes Amazon’s core migration framework—basic migration steps that apply to any AWS migration project, and methodologies for moving each of your apps to AWS, ranging from lift-and-shift to refactor/re-architect.

What is Cloud Migration in Hindi?

Cloud migration is the process of migrating all or part of an on-premise IT infrastructure to the cloud. This could involve enterprise apps, data, procedures, and more, with the aim of lowering costs and allowing for faster scaling.

Any gear or software you run in a physical building, mainly where your employees work, is considered on-premises. When you migrate to the cloud, you are transitioning from an on-premises platform to a cloud-based platform.

Benefits of AWS Migration

There are numerous reasons to migrate your IT infrastructure to the AWS cloud. AWS offers a variety of computing resources to handle your IT-related operations, enabling your employees, time, and money for tasks that directly contribute to the bottom line.

By migrating to cloud infrastructure, you reduce the restrictions placed by physical data centers and get access to data from anywhere and at any time. Among the top AWS customers are Netflix, Facebook, and BBC.

Let’s take a closer look at how cloud-centric Amazon Web Services can help you keep your IT operations and expenditures lean and efficient.

  • Low Cost: The AWS cloud platform enables you to run enterprise apps and systems at no upfront investment. The only cost incurred is when cloud computing resources are utilized.

Scaling up and down to meet current demands is also much easier with cloud assets, which can be deployed on demand, and cloud cost management tools allow you to keep your cloud spending under control.

  • Flexibility: It should come as no surprise if your present operating system and database are already AWS-compatible. AWS solutions are compatible with nearly all computer frameworks and coding languages. As a result, your developers’ time and resources are saved.

Whether you’re migrating to the cloud, switching to a new cloud platform, or preparing for DevOps, AWS’s elastic architecture lets you swiftly supply as many resources as you need.

  • Security: With more data breaches occurring throughout the world, the cost and need for cybersecurity is greater than ever. AWS prioritizes data security with a shared responsibility approach. AWS offers you a worldwide secure infrastructure while also maintaining legal compliance.
  • Disaster Recovery: By using cloud-based disaster recovery techniques, you can eliminate the danger of power outages, software failures, data corruption, and human error. These approaches are simple to implement because most procedures can be automated, saving you time and money.


इस पोस्ट में हमने AWS Migration Services अमेज़न वेब सर्विस के बारे में अच्छे से जाना।

Amazon Web Services provides cloud computing resources for managing IT infrastructure, allowing businesses to concentrate on core activities and increase their bottom line. The advantages of having a cutting-edge and low-cost cloud infrastructure for your business cannot be overstated.

The AWS cloud’s versatility not only allows you to access your data remotely at any time, but it also allows you to quickly scale your cloud resources up and down to match your changing business demands.

Ravi Giri
Ravi Girihttp://hinditechacademy.com/
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